Dottyback died

The Pictichromis paccagnellae (royal dottyback, dwergzeebaars) appeared stressed after the last big clean up. After a few day he was “gone”: died and probably eaten by anemone fishes or salarias.

Syphoned (20 l) and shrubbed some of the stones again.


Min Max 3 nov 15 24 dec 15 12 jan 16 22 mrt 16
0 0,03 0,03 0,05 0,03 0,05 PO4 (mg/l)
1200 1500 1200 1050 1170 2000 Mg (ppm)
400 450 380 440 425 600 Ca (ppm)
0 5 50 25 5 2 NO3 (ppm)
8 9 11,8 13,3 12,8 6,7 KH (dKH)
7,8 8,4 8 pH

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